Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Ghana English Language Ministry teacher training institute began August 31st with 14 trainees. Today is September 10th and we have completed 2 weeks of training. Here's what the content of the training - the first week I trained them on how to use the book...Using Everyday English "Today!" English learners arrived on Wednesday and very good progress was made in spite of the quality of English spoken by the teachers! I think they learned as much, if not more, than the learners. The second week I let the teachers role play a teacher-training workshop. On Wednesday new teacher-trainees arrived along with our learners, and for 2 days now, we have been training the trainees to teach. This is because when these teachers return home, they must train their teachers on how to teach UEE.

We played three games: zip-zap (a get acquainted game); "It's a what?" for learning some basic objects, and tic-tac-toe for identifying the names of objects. Then we sang the "Hokey Pokey" which was a great hit.

One additional game I played was "the maze". Here's a picture of Charles being directed through the maze as a student tells him to "go straight 3 steps," "turn left," "take 2 steps", etc.

Here is the class that graduated today and will leave for their home towns tonight.

Thank you for your prayers. My flight home will be next Tuesday, the 16th. I will be speaking again at a Presbyterian church this Sunday morning. Will catch you up on news after I return home. Here's what to pray for regarding Using Everyday English -
1. West Africa desperately needs a video training DVD.
2. UEE needs an audio of the oral portions;
3. Teachers need a phonetic video so they can produce certain sounds they don't have in their own language.

Thank you for your continued prayer support for this exciting ministry.