Tuesday, June 30, 2009

After one month, here is a current update from brother Charles Udoh who I spent one week after the Abidjan International Literacy Training Institute. He lives in San Pedro about a 5+ hour minibus ride from Abidjan. His email to me today says, "We have started two classes here in San Pedro and everything is going well with great enthusiasm from the learners...Rev. Bangura's wife (Agnes) is organising a tutor training workshop the last week in July and hopefully my wife will be there." He concludes, "...my son was very excited about seeing his picture on the net. He's going about telling everyone who cares to listen that the whole world know[s] him courtesy of tonton le blanc (uncle whiteman)."

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The host of the Cote d'Ivoire training institute was Rev. Gregory Bangura (center). I'm on the right, and one of our formost primer construction missionaries, Daniel Awolou (left)
stand with Gregory and me. Daniel is from Benin, a French speaking country, and hopefully, he will spend upwards of 3 months with me here in the States improving his English skills. This is very important since he currently is limited to helping primer construction teams that only speak French. In order to assist English speaking teams in English speaking countries, he needs this accelerated jump-start.
Daniel is a very faithful and humble servant of our Lord and it is a privledge to know him better and have him in my home next year.
In May, I went to Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) in West Africa to train some nationals from 8 different West African nations. Included were Liberia, Sierra Leone, Togo, Burkino Faso, Benin, Ivory Coast and Nigeria - 25 people in all. For one week in hot humid conditions, I trained the English speakers (Nigeria, Liberia and Sierra Leone) and had the French speakers as English learners. We had lots of fun playing games, singing songs, and drilling various conversations, letter sounds and Bible stories. Many came up to me afterward to tell me how effective my new curriculum book was in actually helping an English learner use English rather than just learn it.
I also discovered several corrections needed and hopefully, the revised version will be ready for the English Language Ministry Training Institute in Accra, Ghana in early September. Thanks for praying about the details that need to be completed!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hi everyone! Yep, I'm trying to move into the 21st century with my blog. I hope you will look at my news every now and then to keep updated on what God is doing through the English Language Ministry of Literacy & Evangelism International.